Deepen your yoga practice based on evidence.
Weekly, Intensives for Yoga Students and Teachers.
THURSday’s @ 1pm (PST)
recordings available
I see a problem with how science and evidence is valued in the Yoga community.
It seems as if personal experience and understanding of "the practice" of “tradition” is all that matters.
This belief is difficult to defend because you must believe that your personal experience is more valuable than any other source or insight.
Sources that are, in almost every case, stronger than personal experience.
In this intensive we will explore:
EVALUATION OF CHAKRAS & CHANNELS: complete analysis of PRANA/QI their corresponding organs and muscle systems based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDENT: body characteristics and movement patterns, according to clinical evidence
HOW TO PRACTICE FOR LONGEVITY: a sustainable approach to getting the most out of your body as a family yoga practitioner
HOW TO TRAIN FOR EACH CHARACTERISTIC: how to train for muscle growth, joint strength, handstands, and healing.
COMMON MISTAKES Yoga Students make when practicing for each characteristic
THE YEAR OF PRACTICE: understand each season in terms of injuries and how to practice during that season.
My promise to you is that I constantly put everything I teach to the test.
I believe there's a hierarchy of evidence. Insight can come from many places. The stronger the evidence, the more suggestive power it has.
Personal experience is at the bottom of this hierarchy.
And just above personal experience is "expert opinion." This is where a lot of teachers live. (and stop)
Expert opinion is stronger, in most cases, than personal experience because the sample size is larger.
Above these are scientific literature and published medical studies.
I hold a masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, I am a Registered Nurse, authorized level 2 in Ashtanga Yoga teacher.
In order for "the practice" to produce evidence it has to be tested, like any other theory.
Why I need this intensive
I created this because I saw a need for students and teachers to understand:
- movement and physical stress on joints
- Objective testing of injuries
- A need for a sustainable, long term approach
- A need to assess and train individual joints
- A need for training priorities of the individual (helping students make meaningful gains for their hobbies)
- A need to address training methods that have been researched
- This training is an effort to professionalize yoga asana as a healing practice
Almost every yoga student I coach has experienced some injury.
They start in group classes, then they do a "Teacher Training," practice advanced postures and plateau. I wish this weren't the initiation into yoga but it is.
While yoga isn’t new there is more understanding about how bodies move today.
And the old way of doing things isn’t based on texts or ancient scriptures.
For instance, it doesn’t say that the knee can’t go past the ankle in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika so why is that a normal cue in yoga classes?
We have more research from coaches and elite athletes in other sports so why aren’t we doing this in our practice?
I have heard the belief that because there aren’t many studies on the physical aspect of yoga, we can't learn much from research.
We certainly have to be careful in our research, but there are loads of studies that apply to yoga asana.
- Studies on athletes in other sports
- Studies that help us better understand exercise physiology
When carefully interpreted and applied, these studies can be a strong source of insight for how the body moves and heals.
Ideally, having all three sources of insight would be the most supportive for your practice.
This Live Intensive is for Yoga Students and Teachers who want to learn the long term process of how to use yoga as a tool for healing.
It’s the exact opposite of tips and tricks. This is for those who want an objective understanding of their yoga practice to maximize their practice and healing over multiple years.
The live training will be recorded and sent out after the fact.
BUT, I'm hoping to see you there live. There will be a time for you to ask questions so you can get insights tailored to your situation.
send me an email
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